St Mary’s College, Hull
Bespoke Curved Street furniture for busy College.
Having previously supplied a number of Schools, Colleges and Universities with our curved Centerline street furniture, we where approached by St Mary’s College, Hull to provide bespoke benches and picnic tables that would compliment the impressive glazed College entrance.
With the option to curve our CL008 stainless steel benches to any radi, a serpentine design was chosen that allowed for communal seating as well individual spaces. In addition circular tables and stools were also incorporated into the scheme.
Our Centerline range is manufactured from 316 stainless steel, which is almost 100% recyclable and its long term life (several decades) makes it an ideal environmental performer, much better than many other materials. The Centerline range has been designed in such a way that the Urban designer/client can create individual solutions without the associated cost that is normally associated with bespoke items.